Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Break

Sorry it's been a while. I was really busy at school during the beginning of the week and then I was overwhelmed with seeing all my friends that I didn't have time to make note of any desserts worth blogging about.

However, Thursday was Thanksgiving and as usual, Thanksgiving means great desserts. I was a little disappointed when I first found out that there wasn't going to be any apple pie. I mean, Thanksgiving dinner without apple pie?!? But then I remembered that Thanksgiving is the holiday that my mother buys a chocolate cream pie from Motes Catering. Literally one of the best tasting things to ever enter my mouth.

Chocolate Cream Pie
My whole family LOVES this pie. I remember one year my mom left it at home, and when we got to my grandmothers all my aunts and uncles pretended to be mad at my mom just because she forgot everyone's favorite.

For one, the pie almost looks too good to cut into because you don't want to mess it up. But then, when you cut into it, it's like a slice of heaven. The chocolate cream part isn't like pudding. It is like a thick mousse. Needless to say, it is mouthwatering and was gone within 10 minutes.

Over this Thanksgiving break I have also had the pleasure of enjoying a wonderful whoopie pie (which I am very picky about) and some Ben and Jerry's.

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