Friday, September 16, 2011

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM

As I passed the dessert display at Decary, I was eyeing up the brownies for after dinner. When I went back down to grab one, they were gone and replaced with pieces of cake. I grabbed a small piece of cake and naturally I wanted some ice cream to go with it. The options were something gross sounding and pumpkin. That's when I came to the realization that there are far too many flavors of ice cream I've never tried.

I did a little research today and realized that counting just Ben and Jerry's Ice cream, I've only tried 18 out of 53 flavors. The weird thing is, I thought I had tried a lot. My favorite flavor so far is Oatmeal Cookie Chunk: Sweet Cream Cinnamon Ice Cream with Chunks of Oatmeal Cookies & Fudge. Every bite, even if it doesn't include a cookie chunk, is just so mouthwateringly sweet I can't get over it.

I know it's a little far fetched, especially being a college student with no money, but my hope, is that over the course of the school year, I'll be able to try at least 20 new flavors. 

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