Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Late Night Snack

My roommate, Kayla, went home saturday night. She's from Bedford, NH. Anyways, she came back today bearing gifts... and by gifts I mean slices of the most delicious looking cake. I know I'm definitely not the best photographer but I tried to capture beauty of my 'late night snack', however the picture does it no justice.

I'm fully aware that the red, plastic bowl I was eating out of doesn't help my cause, but just picture it on some expensive fine china. The cake itself was so moist and the frosting was to die for, sooooooooo rich and so yummy. To be perfectly honest, I couldn't even finish all the frosting because I was getting full. The cake was from Frederick's Pastries. I officially want to go to this place myself. Everything on their website looks so scrumptious.

You might be wondering what the creepy pumpkin circle is. I have this bad habit. It's more of a conscious decision than a bad habit, but we'll just call it a bad habit. I buy boxes of Pilsbury Ready To Bake cookies. They are a seasonal item at the grocery store so I think it's only fair to buy them when I can. The thing is, I don't cook them. Some people think it's really gross that I choose to eat raw cookie dough, but after they try it themselves, they realize how wonderful it is. I could eat them like chips, but I do have some health standards. 

I know this isn't the best late night snack,  but I figure we only live once, and I want to enjoy it. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM

As I passed the dessert display at Decary, I was eyeing up the brownies for after dinner. When I went back down to grab one, they were gone and replaced with pieces of cake. I grabbed a small piece of cake and naturally I wanted some ice cream to go with it. The options were something gross sounding and pumpkin. That's when I came to the realization that there are far too many flavors of ice cream I've never tried.

I did a little research today and realized that counting just Ben and Jerry's Ice cream, I've only tried 18 out of 53 flavors. The weird thing is, I thought I had tried a lot. My favorite flavor so far is Oatmeal Cookie Chunk: Sweet Cream Cinnamon Ice Cream with Chunks of Oatmeal Cookies & Fudge. Every bite, even if it doesn't include a cookie chunk, is just so mouthwateringly sweet I can't get over it.

I know it's a little far fetched, especially being a college student with no money, but my hope, is that over the course of the school year, I'll be able to try at least 20 new flavors. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Sweet Tooth

If you could have any dessert in the world at this moment, what would it be?

The thing is, I don't know what I'd choose. I have a sweet tooth like no other! I mean, you know what they say.. "Life is uncertain.  Eat dessert first."  ~Ernestine Ulmer. I couldn't agree with this more. I have dessert at least twice a day and if it weren't for college, and the tiny so called 'freezer' in my mini fridge, I'd be enjoying a bowl of ice cream every night as well. Through out the course of an hour I will crave anything from a simple chocolate bar to a slice of white chocolate raspberry cheesecake from Olive Garden. 

I attend the University of New England, and even though the dinning food in Decary is definitely below par, they manage to whip up so pretty delightful desserts. Tonights options were jello layered with whip cream or apple crisp. I opted for the apple crisp. It was warmed up just enough that it didn't burn my tongue when I took the first bite. Unfortunately they didn't think about the ice cream to complement it, aka plain vanilla ice cream. 

My goals in life are to become a connoisseur of desserts and to try every mouth watering flavor that Ben & Jerry's Ice cream will offer, including fro-yo flavors :)